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Changing the CDU script to open external program

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2022 9:56 pm
by 737Andi737

I have a question regarding the opencockpits CDU in combination with the NGXu. 

It is working mostly fine for me :) 

However it would be awesome to have the following option. If I go into ACARS menu and hit a certain LSKEY on the hardware CDU it should trigger an .exe or .bat file.

The .bat or .exe file would be a small program fetching Metar and flight plan data and send it to my thermal printer in the Pedestal. I would have the .exe/.bat tool ready. Im just looking for a solution to open it with the opencockpits CDU hardware.

Do you think this it is easy to program such a thing by altering(?) your script?

Thank you!

Best regards Andreas

Re: Changing the CDU script to open external program

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2022 2:48 pm
by 737Andi737
Hi Roar, would that theoretically be possible or is there a limitation due to the PMDG software?

Re: Changing the CDU script to open external program

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2022 4:58 pm
by mvr1918
Everything is possible, but it could be hard to implement. I will have a look when time allows.

Re: Changing the CDU script to open external program

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2022 6:17 pm
by 737Andi737
Such an option would be so awesome and it would open a wide area of individual customization for so many users.

Can you maybe assign a free LSKEY in a certain submenu for that?
So maybe have the .exe triggered when that special key only in the ACARS menu is pressed? I do not know if its even possible to give that line in the CDU a self chosen name? Last thing is however not necessary.

Re: Changing the CDU script to open external program

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2022 12:04 pm
by mvr1918
An updated OCP4NGXu driver has been sent to you for testing. Report back here.